Python Edit Distances

This library contains several edit distance and alignment algorithms for sequences and trees of arbitrary node type. Additionally, this library contains multiple backtracing mechanisms for every algorithm in order to facilitate more detailed interpretation and subsequent processing.

In more detail, this library currently features the following algorithms.

  • Sequence Edit Distance (sed; Levenshtein, 1965)
  • Dynamic Time Warping (sed; Vintsyuk, 1968)
  • Affine edit distance (aed; Gotoh, 1982)
  • Tree Edit Distance (ted; Zhang and Shasha, 1989)
  • Constrained Unordered Tree Edit Distance (uted; Zhang and Shasha, 1996)
  • Set edit distance (seted; unpublished)

As well as the following meta-algorithms:

If you intend to use this library in academic work, please cite the paper:

  • Paaßen, B., Mokbel, B., & Hammer, B. (2015). A Toolbox for Adaptive Sequence
    Dissimilarity Measures for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In O. C. Santos, J. G. Boticario, C. Romero, M. Pechenizkiy, A. Merceron, P. Mitros, J. M. Luna, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 632-632). International Educational Datamining Society.

Please consult the project website for more detailed information about the project.

Indices and tables